2024 Transportation and Parking Systems in Addis Ababa

Introduction: You are invited to participate in a survey conducted by Shaka Analytics and the ETC Institute. This survey is part of the Transportation and Parking Systems Impact Assessment for the Addis Ababa City Corridor Development Project - Phase One. The information collected will help us understand transportation patterns, transit accessibility, parking utilization, and the overall impact of the corridor development project.

Purpose of the Survey: This study aims to gather insights into the transportation needs and experiences of residents and commuters along six key corridors in Addis Ababa. Your responses will help the Addis Ababa City Administration make informed decisions to improve urban mobility and address transportation challenges.

What to Expect: Participation involves answering questions on your daily commute, transportation choices, parking usage, and opinions on recent infrastructure changes. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are valuable and will contribute directly to the future of Addis Ababa’s transportation systems.

Confidentiality: All information collected in this survey is confidential. Responses will be compiled and analyzed in a way that does not identify individual participants. Personal details will not be shared, and your responses will be used solely for research purposes.

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You are free to skip any questions that you do not wish to answer and may withdraw from the survey at any time without any consequences.

Consent: By proceeding with the survey, you acknowledge that:

  • You have understood the purpose and intent of this survey.
  • You agree to participate voluntarily
  • You understand that your responses will remain confidential and anonymous.

  • If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact us at [#251-978-33-76-78].
    Thank you for your time and participation!